Running Interviews

by Jackie Linehan

Running Interviews are a fantastic way to learn about what great runners are doing and how they have succeeded in their sport. The more we learn the more power we have to fulfill our dreams of becoming better runners and running injury free forever.

The following experts have given their time freely and shared their knowledge with us. We truly appreciate their opinions and their contribution to this site. I have learned something from each person I have interviewed. I hope you will too.

Please check out the interviews below. (More to follow soon.)

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Running Interviews

Sue Kenney - Sue is a barefoot runner and the author of the best-selling book, My Camino, in which she re-lived her transformational experience as she walked 780 kms on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Sue, also known as Barefoot Sue, is a dedicated Wim Hof Breathing Method instructor, an inspirational speaker, life coach, a recording producer and a filmmaker.  - April 6, 2012  (Updated May 2020)

Running Injury Free with Reiki - In this podcast I perform a distant Reiki session from England with Aja of Flaunt Performance, a runner who lives in the Chicago area. Listen in to find out what Aja experienced during our Reiki session. We also chatted about Mindful Running and Meditative Running. - March 2017 (Unfortunately her website is no longer in operation but you can still listen to an audio of the interview here

Reiki for Runners

Reiki for Runners - In this interview by Christy of Run Scoop, I am asked about the Reiki for Runners program; specifically, what is Reiki, what are its benefits, how did I become interested in Reiki, how does distance Reiki work and why focus on runners? Check it out.  - December 2016

Jackie Linehan - Yes, this time I was the one being interviewed and we talked about many of my favorite topics, especially Running Injury Free. Check out my interview with Lisah Hamilton of The Conscious Runner. - September 2016

Jason Fitzgerald - Jason is a coach, runner and author of Strength Running, a fabulous online resource for runners who want to run better and faster. He is also author of 101 Simple Ways to be a Better Runner and has a marathon PR of 2:39:32. - September 14, 2012

Ray Maker - Ray is an accomplished runner, triathlete and Ironman. He is also the author of the very popular blog, DC Rainmaker, in which he provides many in-depth product and race reviews, recommendations, travel stories and even cooking adventures. - March 6, 2012

Jill Bruyere - A personal trainer, running coach, motivational speaker and author of, a fitness blog in which she shares her secrets of marathon success. - November 17, 2011

Curb Ivanic - A running coach, endurance athlete and author of The "Core Running System." He helps runners and triathletes improve their performances through his coaching and individual assessments. - October 26, 2011 

Jacquie Cattanach - A long time runner and publisher of "Online Running Gear" - a website that provides excellent in-depth reviews on running products and accessories as well as great race reviews for races all over the world. - October 19, 2011

Ozzie Gontang - An experienced runner and author of "Mindful Running" - a website about mindful running, mindful leadership and living life to the fullest in the present moment. - October 3, 2011

Dominique De Rooij - An avid runner and author of "Best Running Tips" - a website that provides help to a lot of runners through running tips, answering questions and individualized training programs. - September 14, 2011

Erskien Lenier - A barefoot ultra-marathon runner, a fruitarian and author of "2 Barefoot Soles at a time" - a blog about barefoot running and living a healthy lifestyle. - September 8, 2011

Running interviews

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