Get your copy of the Running Form Template—it’s free and you can access it immediately.
Are you confused about the various aspects of a good running form? For example: how should my foot land? Should I have a short or long stride? What about my arm swing and turnover rate? Should my knees be bent or straight?
The Running Form Template summarizes all components and explains them simply and clearly. It takes the confusion out of how to run easier and more efficiently.
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When you learn to run using a proper running form, you utilize
your maximum running economy—how efficiently you use oxygen while running at a
specific pace. You are not wasting precious energy with unnecessary movements.
Your form is clean and efficient. Your movements are fluid and without restrictions. There are no jarring or sloppy movements as
you move forward naturally and easily. With smarter use of your stamina, you can run faster
and further. You are no longer losing energy through inefficient movements.
Running injuries are often caused by overuse of specific parts of the body but it doesn't have to be this way. Improving your running technique will help reduce impact and stress on your body. Thus, injuries become less frequent or even non-existent. Your body becomes more balanced and properly aligned preventing any one area from becoming over-stressed from running. At first it may seem difficult and overwhelming to make changes to your running technique, especially if you have been running for a while and also because there are so many different movements to think about. |
The best approach is to become familiar with all the aspects mentioned in the template. Then think about how they all fit together in one holistic movement. Notice which ones you may already be doing or occur naturally for you and then the ones that include a new movement for you.
Pick one new movement and practice that for a short time. Then practice another new movement for a brief period and so on until you have practiced them all. You will begin to see that they all flow together in a beautiful, holistic running form that feels easier and more natural. With time and patience, you will have a new and improved running form!
Download your free copy and start running more efficiently, faster and injury free today!
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