Have you experienced runners high? If you have, you know how great it feels. When we experience runners high or "being in the flow," there seems to be a highly coordinated flow between mind and body and running feels effortless. Your body feels like it is moving to a rhythm of its own. There is a feeling of euphoria and total bliss as the mind and body are totally in sync.
In this flow state, time and miles pass by easily. And because it feels effortless, injuries are not a concern. After running we feel rejuvenated rather than tired, sore and exhausted. Many runners have experienced this state from time to time, but most cannot tell you how or why it happened. The following techniques can help you get in the flow more often.
The experience of runners high happens when the mind and body are in sync. So this becomes our goal if we want to achieve runners high more often.
These techniques can help us get our mind and body in sync:
1) First of all we need to become grounded in the present moment. This means not thinking about anything else other than what is currently being experienced. Using our breath is the easiest way to achieve this. Notice your breath moving in and out of your body. It will help to keep your mind from wandering. It is does, don't be concerned, just keep going back to the breath.
2) While you are following your breath, notice what you are feeling in your body, i.e. aches, pains, tiredness, and notice how your body is moving. Do not judge anything as judgements will take you away from being present. Just notice these things and remain indifferent to them. Fear also has the same effect as judgement. Whenever you experience a fear thought while running, just go back to noticing your breath.
3) Another technique you can use that can help is called "watching yourself." This may sound a bit odd, but it is very helpful in achieving the wonderful state of runners high. The idea is that you step back mentally and watch yourself running. Image that you are sort of watching yourself from outside your body. If you are doing this correctly, you will instantly feel a lightness in your body. This technique works because while you are watching yourself, you cannot judge yourself or think about anything else.
"Remind them that a runner's high doesn't come from thinking about the end result; to a runner so affected, the end result is assured. Instead, they think only of the moment, one step, one breath, and one heartbeat at a time."
-- Mike Dooley, TUT.com
Use these techniques to get your mind and body in sync and this is where the magic of runners high happens. It is an amazing feeling of bliss and you feel like you could run forever! If you have never experienced it before, you will begin to understand why achieving this high is so addictive!
So if you want to experience this "magic" and give yourself the gift of runners high, give these techniques a good try and then please come back here and share your experience with us. We would love to hear from you. Please add your comments below.
Happy running!
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