Positive affirmations are positive statements or thoughts written in the present tense for the purpose of achieving a desired outcome. Affirmations have been used to attract health, success, love, abundance and happiness. Running affirmations help you feel good while running and achieving your goals feels easier.
Experts say the best way to increase the enjoyment of any experience is to change how we think while we are doing it. I have found that the easiest and quickest way to change our thoughts while running is by using positive affirmations.
Positive affirmations are helpful because they activate the power of your subconscious mind. When you continue to repeat a positive statement, your mind begins to accept the statement as true, resulting in a new positive belief and an overall sense of well-being and joy.
Use running affirmations to bring about a goal, desire or result you wish to achieve. Goals could include simply having a great run today, achieving a personal best time in a race, overcoming performance anxiety, completing a 5 km run for the first time, or even completing a marathon. Whatever your goals are, running affirmations can help you achieve them.
Positive affirmations are also effective in protecting against the negative effects of stress as reported in this study by Carnegie Mellon University. The study shows that affirmations can boost the problem-solving abilities of chronically stressed participants.
1) Overcome negative self-defeating thoughts resulting in more enjoyable, successful runs
2) Create a strong self-image
3) Overcome fears and weaknesses
4) Improve concentration and focus
5) Enhance self-confidence
6) Strengthen the immune system
7) Overcome fatigue
8) Improve strength and endurance
9) Feel more inspired and motivated
10) Feel more relaxed, reducing tension and the risk of injuries
11) Recover more quickly from an injury.
12) Enjoy running more
13) Increase energy levels
10 Most Powerful Life Changing Affirmations for Runners
Create your own personalized affirmation to achieve what you desire. It can be a running related desire or for any other area in your life that you feel a strong desire. It will be a short, specific, positive statement expressing the goal of your desire. It must be an "I" statement and it must be in the present tense, i.e. I am, I always.
When you have created your affirmation, you need to repeat it regularly— at least a couple of times every day. If it is a running affirmation, you can repeat it the entire time you are running if you so desire. You can never repeat it too often.
You will begin to form new habits with this practice. It will form a positive image in your subconscious mind. You will begin to believe in your affirmation and believe in yourself!
The best affirmation for you is the one you create for yourself, but to get you started, here are a number of positive affirmations for runners:
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Affirmations for Running Audio Recording
At times a positive affirmation is the only thing that can get us through a difficult run. Tell us your favorite. It could be a new one or one already listed here.
We would love to hear what works for you. Share it with your fellow runners! It's easy - just enter the title of your affirmation to begin....
Click below to see affirmations from other runners...
I’m a runner
I’m a runner I can run fast,
I’m a runner I can kick em in the tushie! :)
Be proud, be strong, and go
Be happy that you are a runner, run for the joy of running, the sense of self-fulfillment from a well done run.
For when you feel blah and want to stop
I am really enjoying this!
My Affirmation
I believe, I know, I am a speed demon
Stronger, harder, faster
My positive affirmation
I am physically, psychologically and mentally strong.
FLY by Rihanna and Nicki Minaj
That song is filled with inspiration and motivation in it. Goes something like this:
I came to win, to fight, to conquer to rise, I came to survive, …
I can run forever
I like to use this affirmation when I am running and I feel like I am not going to be able to finish the run. I keep repeating this statement over and …
I Can Do Anything
I can do anything through CHRIST who strengthens me.
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