An Exclusive Online Feldenkrais Running Course!

Imagine being able to run without fighting your body or feeling hobbled by pain?

It's not a pipe dream, it's a realistic goal. My friend Jae Gruenke, Feldenkrais® Practitioner and founder of The Balanced Runner™ has developed an exclusive online Feldenkrais® running course that can get you there.

This Feldenkrais® Course is exclusively for runners so you can learn how to activate your natural ability to run injury-free. This targeted camp uses a different, holistic method that raises your self-awareness so that running feels the way it was meant to! Imagine being able to run every mile feeling good. This is possible when you learn how to move with greater ease, minimum effort and maximum comfort!

Jae has been helping runners from beginner to Olympian for almost 20 years, and her Online Running Technique Course has an impressive track record of success, including an endorsement from William Sichel, an ultramarathoner who has set over 400 Scottish, British, and World Records.  As well as from Jen Rhines, three-time Olympian...

"Working with Jae and learning the Feldenkrais® method has helped me extend my career as an elite runner. We can all discover new ways of moving that are more efficient and involve less effort. This translates to running faster and staying healthy no matter what your age or ability level!" 

Jen Rhines, three-time Olympian

(Plenty of beginners join the camp too, so don't be intimidated!) 😀

Feldenkrais course for runners

Online Feldenkrais Running Course Stories

You can read the stories of some former course participants here:

How Steve Got Back to Running at Age 68 (after a decade off due to injury)  

How Isabelle Recovered from IT Band Syndrome After 7 Years

You can also read about some additional course participants here and try a brief taster audio lesson. 

And in case you're wondering about how it's even possible to learn running techniques online, another of her course participants said, "I think this is the only online exercise thing I've done that seems to work. I'd say the way [Jae] composes the experience with the audio and the video is easy to do without getting all bound up in the logistics of it."

The course is six weeks start to finish, and you can start it the day you register. Get the prices (which are very reasonable), the content, and all the other relevant info here, as well as the link to register.

If you're currently too injured to run, don't count yourself out! You won't be the only one. Many participants in the past haven't been able to run more than a couple of minutes at the beginning of the course, yet were running several miles on a regular basis by the end. Jae's website has guidelines on whether you can do the course with your particular injury, so go ahead and take a look. After all, you're probably someone who needs it more--not less--than folks who are still running.

Online Running Camp

Imagine a Better Way to Run

Imagine when running that your body feels smooth, flowing, and free of unwanted tension. Imagine that post-run you feel equally comfortable even when you get out of bed the next morning. Also, imagine running faster in a way that almost feels effortless, as if you always have a tailwind.

This is possible when you learn how to move with minimum effort and maximum comfort.

Jae Gruenke

For almost 20 years, Jae has been helping runners from beginner to Olympian learn to work with their bodies so that running feels the way it was meant to. 

In this short video from the Feldenkrais® Awareness Summit, Jae explains simply the real cause of running injuries and the key to solving the problem. You are not getting injured because you are running too much!

Jae has distilled that her many years of experience into The Balanced Runner System™ Online Camp, which uses the Feldenkrais Method of Movement Education® to help you not only understand what you need to do to run well, but actually feel how to do it.

Whether you're a beginning runner or a world-class professional, a parkrun regular or an ultramarathoner, a masters runner or a high-schooler on a cross-country team, you'll feel your running significantly improve.

Any questions? Just email Jae at

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