When you learn how to meditate on running injuries, it will help to speed healing and reduce future injuries. When you develop a running injury, it is an indication that your body and mind are not in balance or in coherence. Meditation helps to bring the mind and body back into a balanced state, allowing healing to occur naturally.
Meditate on running injuries by giving focus to the area of pain and its sensations has the added benefit of developing body awareness. This helps calm your mind and the thoughts about the injury allowing you to connect to your inner wisdom. Meditating will also increase your confidence in your ability to stay healthy and injury free while reducing worry, doubts, anxiety and negative thinking.
I firmly believe that injuries do not originate in the body but in the mind. Think back to what was going on in your mind when you got injured. Chances are that your mind was not at peace.
Don't underestimate the power of meditation. In other words, do not underestimate the power of your mind. That is where the injury was created and that is where the healing can begin.
If we only look to our physical bodies to be healed then we are not getting to the real cause of the problem. If the problem truly was with our body, why isn't the injury always there? If it isn't always there, where did it come from? It comes from our mind--the only place where creation is possible.
As soon as possible after getting injured, start meditating on the injury. Begin by meditating on the sensation of pain in the area that is injured.
Sit quietly and let your mind sink into the area where you experience pain. Explore the area with your mind. Give it the time and attention it needs. Think of this process as part of a self-care program. With this type of meditation, you are developing an awareness of your body and its sensations. As you develop this ability, you become more in tune to what is happening in your body and this ability will go a long way in the prevention of future injuries.
Another type of meditation that helps reduce the incidence of running injuries involves sending positive energy to the injured area. Positive energy does heal so why not tap into that endless resource within you and use it to heal your body. Imagine that your injury is a little child who needs tender loving care and send as much love as you can generate to your little child who is hurting. Try to do this for a few minutes a couple of times a day. It will really help you to recover sooner.
meditate on running injuries
The following is a meditation technique that helps bring clarity as to how the injury was created.
Sit quietly and let your body relax. Then quietly ask a question such as, "What thoughts created this injury?" or "What do I need to know about this injury?" Then sit with a quiet mind and listen for the answer. The answer may come to you immediately or at a later time as a thought or a realization but when it comes, you will know with certainty that it is true.
You will know which thoughts created this imbalance in your body which resulted in a running injury. It will most likely be a thinking pattern which involved some form of fear.
Our Running Injury Healing Meditation can also help you recover faster from injuries.
meditate on running injuries
When your injury starts to improve and you feel ready to start running again, you may at first feel some pain in the area that was injured. If it is severe, stop running and try again in a week or so. If you are experiencing only slight twinges, try meditating on it while you are running. Keep your thoughts and energy positive and see what happens. You will need to use your judgement here but try not to let fear be the deciding factor as to whether you continue to run or stop. Be relaxed and positive and see what happens.
I used this technique as well as meditating on my injury when I hurt my foot while running recently. I was back running after only three weeks. I considered that to be very quick because initially the pain was so severe. During the first two days, it was extremely painful just to walk!
Learning how to meditate on running injuries it is a valuable skill to develop as it will not only get you back to running sooner, but it will help you discover why you developed the injury in the first place. Once you learn the true cause of the injury, you will not allow yourself to repeat the same mistake again.
This is how we grow and heal ourselves from the inside out and if we want to run injury free, that is where the healing must begin.
meditate on running injuries
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Can Fear Cause Running Injuries
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