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We hope you enjoy this month's newsletter -- A Loving Kindness Meditation for Runners. If you enjoy it, please be kind and share it with your peeps!
A loving kindness meditation helps to generate an attitude of loving acceptance towards ourselves and all persons. It is a way of healing habitual negative thought patterns which create pain and confusion in our minds. It has the immediate benefit of arousing positive feelings in our hearts.
All types of meditation are beneficial, but loving kindness practices in particular have been shown to produce increased positive emotions that lead to many other benefits. The results of this study showed that a loving kindness meditation practice resulted in increased mindfulness, an increased sense of life purpose, an increase in social support and a decrease in illness.
"The more we genuinely care about others,
the greater our own happiness & inner peace."
-- Allan Lokos
The following is a simple meditation that you can practice while running or anytime you would like to feel more loving:
Repeat these phrases for yourself:
Then think of a loved one and offer this blessing:
Now offer a blessing to all beings:
We can continue to practice loving kindness throughout our daily lives and in all our relationships by extending a friendly and open attitude towards everyone without discrimination.
A loving kindness meditation is also known as a Metta Meditation and a complete Metta Meditation has five steps. Its purpose is to cultivate love for ourselves and others as well as developing our awareness of our connectivity with all beings.
This Guided Running Loving Kindness Meditation contains all five steps of a Metta meditation. This meditation will help you promote loving kindness towards yourself and others and it will also increase your positive emotions while running making running more enjoyable and reducing the risk of injury.
Start your journey today on the road to joy and inner peace with a full-length Guided Loving Kindness Meditation for Runners.
OR--Save Money with the:
Guided Running Meditation Bundle!
You get 3 Guided Running Meditations:
2) Mindful & Gentle Meditation
All for one low price. Check it out now!
Guided Running Meditation Bundle
As always, keep running, smiling and be happy, healthy and peaceful!
With love and peace,
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