Feldenkrais exercises are designed to help you learn how to move better. These exercises utilize the capacity of the brain to learn through precise, effortless movements of the body.
As you perform these exercises, you will learn about your movement habits and how you have developed limitations in movement. Young children have not yet developed these habits, which is why they are so flexible.
A brain without a body could not think. -- Moshe Feldenkrais
If you ever had an injury, you adjusted how you were moving to reduce pain and discomfort. You developed a pattern of moving which usually remains after the injury has healed. Your brain retains this information and you continue to move in a limited manner.
With Feldenkrais exercises, you will discover new and more efficient patterns of moving as your body and brain learn to communicate better. They will engage your involuntary nerves and muscles and your posture will improve naturally.
You will experience an increased sense of well-being as you experience more coordinated movements and more effective decision making. You will acquire movement mastery with maximum control of your movements.
Feldenkrais exercises work with the neuromuscular system to develop new neural sensations throughout the brain, spinal cord and muscles. These exercises consist of slow, gentle movements designed to recalibrate our body awareness as we re-learn how to move. Doing these exercises, you will not become sweaty as they are not exercises for the body -- they are a workout for your brain!
The Online Feldenkrais Running Course can help you learn to run without pain. It uses the Feldenkrais Method of Movement Education® to help you not only understand what you need to do to run well, but actually feel how to do it. Whether you're a beginning runner or a world-class professional, a parkrun regular or an ultramarathoner, a masters runner or a high-schooler on a cross-country team, you'll feel your running significantly improve. Find out how The Balanced Runner System™ Online Camp can help you become a better runner from the inside out.
The Core Action Program for Runners and Triathletes helps you master the fundamentals of comfortable, healthy, efficient natural running form. This program is for runners who want to learn to run healthy, perform their best, feel great and run injury free!
It's especially targeted for runners who have recurring injuries, who want to transition to minimalist shoes or barefoot running, or who want to take their performance to a new level. Beginners will learn how to run right from their first steps.
These Feldenkrais exercises are gentle and safe for beginners yet potent enough to impact runners competing at the highest levels.
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The Art of Slowing Down - A Sense-able Approach to Running Faster was written by a Feldenkrais Method practitioner who is also a martial artist. This book will help you come to the realization that your running abilities are more related to your ability to sense your body than willpower or talent. Upon completion of the 20 lessons, expect improvements in posture, gait and ease of movement.
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