Overcome the Fear Of Getting Injured
March 2014--The Peaceful Runner Newsletter #42

Hello friend,

Welcome to our March Newsletter: How to Overcome Fear of Getting Injured While Running. We hope you enjoy this month's article and we hope that it helps you overcome any fear you may experience while running.

As always, we welcome your feedback, comments and suggestions. Please add your comments below.

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In this issue:

1) Quote of the Month
2) How to Overcome the Fear of Getting Injured
3) Have You Tried the ElliptiGO Yet?
4) Recipe of the Month: Spicy Pineapple Pork Bake

Quote of the Month: 

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

-- Franklin D. Roosevelt

How to Overcome the Fear of Getting Injured

A number of my readers have told me that one of their greatest concerns is that they are afraid of getting injured while running. They are afraid that they will injure themselves and not be able to run anymore. 

Overcome the Fear of Getting Injured While Running

Just having this "fear" by itself can actually cause you to get injured as it creates stress and tension in your muscles. It can also hold you back from achieving all that you can achieve--from becoming the runner that you are capable of becoming. Fear of getting injured can also prevent you from recovering from an existing condition or injury as it inhibits the body from healing itself.

Holding fear in your body limits your movements. You are not free to run easily and efficiently as possible and the risk of getting injured is greatly increased. 

How Can you Overcome This Fear?

It is possible to overcome and release the fear of getting injured so that you can enjoy running well into your later years. I recommend taking the following steps: 

  1. Learn how to relax your body and keep it relaxed while running. To learn how to stay relaxed when running, we first need to know what it feels like to be physically relaxed. Many people (and I was one of them) do not know how to relax their bodies and let go of tension in their muscles. 

    I have written two articles on this topic and both include practical exercises to help you learn what it feels like to relax your body. Here are the links: How to Relax While Running and Relaxation Exercises for Runners.

  2. Believe and have confidence in your abilities. Believe and trust in the Universe to keep you safe and believe that you live in a safe environment. To truly believe something, the belief must exist on the subconscious level. Positive Affirmations can help you overcome fear and limiting beliefs and change your beliefs on a subconscious level. Here are some relevant examples:
    - I am a strong and powerful runner
    - I feel safe and secure in this world
    - I am free to run and be happy always

    Check out this audio of Positive Affirmations for Running here that you can download instantly. 

  3. Practice Mindful Running. It will help you stay positive and enjoy running more. Mindful Running will help you stay in the present moment and not worry about something negative that might happen. You will gain more confidence in your running as the fear of what might happen is removed, such as falling or getting injured.

  4. Feel gratitude for every run you complete. Don't just think about it. Feel it with your whole body. Feeling gratitude will not only increase your confidence and give you more energy, it will create positive physical changes in your body, such as boosting the immune system and increasing DHEA, the anti-aging hormone.

  5. Be kind, gentle and patient with yourself. Allow yourself to take a day off when you don't feel up to running, nourish your body with healthy, whole foods and treat yourself occasionally, i.e. a mid-afternoon nap; a long, relaxing bath; a comforting treat.

Fear is something that we create in our minds and the fear of getting injured is no different. It is not real. We choose to feel fear so we can also choose not to feel fear. We have created it within ourselves so we are also capable of letting it go. Will Smith explains it so eloquently here in this scene from After Earth: 

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Have You Tried the ElliptiGO Yet?

The ElliptiGO could be the best cross training tool for runners. It is a half bike, half elliptical hybrid which closely mimics running motion and it can be used outdoors. It is a low-impact way to increase fitness.

It may be a while though before they become a regular sight on roads. The price tag currently ranges between $1800 and $3500. However, some hotels and bike rental shops in some U.S. cities are renting them by the hour to customers.

You can see the ElliptiGO in action here: https://youtu.be/R0B-MVqe_pQ

Spicy Pineapple Pork Bake

This dish is very tasty and you can adjust the amount of red pepper flakes depending on how hot and spicy you like it. It only has 4 ingredients so it is quick and easy to prepare. 


  • 1 can pineapple slices in juice (14 oz/398 ml)
  • 4 pork loin chops
  • 1/2 cup French dressing
  • 1 tsp crushed red pepper flakes


  1. Drain the can of pineapple slices, reserving the juice. 
  2. Place pork loin chops in single layer in casserole dish and top with pineapple slices.
  3. Mix the reserved pineapple juice with the French dressing and crushed red pepper flakes; pour over chops.
  4. Bake at 400(°F) for 25 minutes or until chops are cooked through.
  5. Serve with roasted vegetables. 

As always, keep running and stay happy and peaceful!

With love and peace,


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