Start Running Injury Free NOW!

Is running injury free possible? I believe it is and here is what I have discovered on my quest to run injury free always!

If you are tired of trying the many traditional methods for preventing injuries that don't work,  let me introduce you to a number of unconventional methods that have helped me run injury free. Such as:

  • The many benefits of Barefoot Running and how it can naturally help prevent injuries

  • Spiritual Running helps us become stronger 

  • Improve your Running Form and prevent injuries (sign up below and get the Running Form Template) 

These methods will help you develop and strengthen the power of your mind and body connection to prevent and recover faster from injuries.

Running Injury Free

A Happy Runner is an Injury Free Runner!

Our life experiences are not always happy. If we don't know how to properly deal with and release our emotions during these stressful events, they remain in our bodies until a later time when the body feels it is safe to release them. Unfortunately for runners, these suppressed emotions often show up as running pain and running injuries. We need to learn how to deal with these sensations in a positive way and allow them to easily move in and out of our bodies. 

Negative thinking is another reason runners get injured. When we allow negative thoughts to take over, we feel down and depressed. This negativity creates stress and tension in the body—the perfect conditions for an injury to develop.

Have you ever had a negative run? I bet it was one of the most difficult runs you ever had and I bet your body felt very tired and sore afterwards. Much of how our body feels is related to our thinking. We need to keep our mind happy in order to keep our body happy so that we can keep running injury free! 

Learn how you can become a more joyous and peaceful injury free runner and Stop Running Pain in 21 Days. This program will teach you how to use the power of your subconscious mind to change limiting beliefs about your body's healing ability, how to stop being a victim of seemingly random running injuries, and how to use the the power within you to run injury free. 

Learn to Love Running Even More!

We all love running. It gives us lots of energy, relieves stress, and we feel great after each accomplishment. However, the real magic happens when everything is in sync—our mind and body are relaxed and we experience the sheer pleasure of running. Our body seems to move effortlessly and in perfect form. The time and miles pass quickly. This is the addiction for runners. This is why we run. This is our drug! This experience is known as the Runners' High and you can learn how to experience it more often. Give yourself the gift of Runners' High!

Running Injury Free and Without Pain

There is a strong connection between the mind and body where optimal energy and wisdom can be accessed. We can learn how to use our minds to teach our bodies how to move efficiently and effectively, resulting in... running injury free forever! 

We can learn to run and train without always experiencing pain and injury. If I am training hard and running long distances, I want to feel good both during and after running. I want my body to work the way it was meant to work -- strong, relaxed, efficient and pain free, like a well-oiled machine...  like a peaceful runner!

If you believe that it is possible to run without pain and injury, join us in The Peaceful Runner VIP Club.  It's FREE! And you will be on your way to running injury free NOW and for the rest of your life!

Develop Your Body Awareness

Meditating while running can really help you tune into your body's capabilities. It will also help create more peaceful and enjoyable runs while improving running ability, reducing injuries, improving ability to stay in the present moment, increasing body awareness and calming your mind. Meditation has so many benefits and you can now practice it while running!

In my search for pain free running, I have used a number of methods that have been very effective in keeping my body pain-free. Developing a strong sense of body awareness has been a key part of running injury free. The Feldenkrais Method was also instrumental in helping me learn to move my body in the most efficient and most effective method without pain or stress. It alleviated the need for stretching after running. Running doesn't hurt my body anymore and I attribute this to developing the strength of the mind body connection.

Vital aspects of developing a strong mind and body connection include the use of positive affirmations and learning how to run mindfullydeal with running pain, and maintain a relaxed body while running so that you can better understand the true cause of injuries and how to prevent them.  With these skills, you learn how to run more efficiently, pain-free and using less effort. 

Confused About the Correct Running Form? 
Our Free Running Form Template Can Help...


Get the running form template now!

Our template provides a straightforward explanation of the components of good running form, eliminating any confusion about how to improve your running technique.

Let's keep in touch! Click below to join The Peaceful Runner VIP Club and you will have instant access to the Running Form Template and other gifts!

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Visit my Facebook page now! Get motivation and inspiration to become a healthier, happier and injury free runner forever!  Learn unconventional ways that will help you overcome and prevent running injuries! 

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Join me in pursuing joyous, peaceful and injury free running! Join The Peaceful Runner VIP Club and start your journey to running injury free forever!

Also check out the Peaceful Runner Club to discover what it means to be a peaceful runner.

Questions or comments? Add your comments or questions below or you can contact me here: Contact Us

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